Goal Setting: Personal Change as a Goal

Finding it hard to find a suitable goal to set? How about achieving goals that will change your life for the better? The goal I’m talking about is to change or completely get rid of an attitude or habit that you no longer want to have since it’s bad for you. Here’s a quick guide on how to set goals of this kind.

Goal Setting: Personal Change as a Goal

Since we’re dealing with a goal that’s already ingrained in your system, the ideal deadline that you should set is around 600 months to a full year. This is because habits are habits and they are things that we’ve learned to become part of our system and routine. Hence, trying to remove or change it with something else is like unlearning something.

The next thing that you might want to consider doing is to set only one habit as a goal. You can’t have several at once because you want a hundred percent of focus on this personal goal. If you have other goals, your attention will be divided and it could take longer to complete all the changes that you want’ to happen.

More on the next issue!

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